Saturday, 5 February 2011

Carnage and clothing

Well I haven't blogged in a while and a few things have happened since my last post ><

Firstly, on the 30th it was Carnage 
(which is a tshirt bar crawl which happens every couple of months and EVERYONE goes)

Of course I rejected the idea of being Barbie straight away, it's just not going to work on me XD Black shorts from primark and a poundshop gun all the way! ;)

My best friend Bec of Fashion, Glitter and Koala Bears from home came up for it as well so it was even better :D

I've also now booked train tickets to go see my friend Andy in Bristol at the beginning of March. So excited :D He runs a band management and promotion business called Akronical Live Music, go check them out ;) He's putting a gig on the Sunday and Broadway (featured in my Breathe post) were meant to be headlining but they've now dropped out. Boo! :( I'm sure it'll still be a great trip though, especially since I'll get to go to Shrinking Violet (an alternative clothing shop that sells the most amazing handmade dresses )

Speaking of dresses, remember the black beaded dress I ordered in Miss Selfridge sale? Well it came and it's gorgeous ^_^ Not a polyester monster as I'd feared. Definitely a winner for my birthday on Tuesday :D

I've bought a few other things this week:
Seems every girl has one of these as a staple in their wardrobe, I'm a late comer (as usual)


I also got this from New Look, but it's no longer on the website due to it being in the sale. It's from the Limited Edition range and was £15 down from about £40 I think. Still not 100% certain I can pull it off, but I just love how different it is from other stuff on the high street and it has a very vintage feel to it. I'm sure with the right styling it could look amazing but I'm pretty sure that's beyond my practically retarded fashion skills.

Somehow I managed to dress myself unaided last night, although it's hardly ground breaking XD

Apologies for the blurred picture but I was about to run out the door to catch the taxi. My flatmate Izy curled my hair for me, it looked amazing. I may invest in a hair curling wand but tbh I doubt I'll be able to make it look good! I didn't feel myself with curled hair and a skirt on, it was strange ><


  1. Love the republic dress, infact I want it and I'm gonna steal it when I come up again :) What website are those screen shots from?? I recognise it but can't quite put my finger on it and it's annoying me! Also made me laugh when you said...'I'm a late comer as usual' XD I know it wasn't meant ot be a joke, but I couldn't help it :P Roll on next Carnage xxx

  2. The tops are from New Look, what do you make of the black vintage style dress? Do I look too frumpy?

    You know me, I'm always the last to know ;)
